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Stage One is suitable for enthusiasts or as the first stage of the certification process.

Stage One includes: Pre-course online material, such as videos and other information (pages from website are illustrated below). Two-day training course: working with a great team of assistants I use a range of methods, such as experiencial, drawings, video, drama and looking at the material in differnt ways to make learning easy. I am particularly interested in sharing key principles, explaining 'tools' and their 'uses and likey outcomes' to form a solid fountain. This solid foundation enables creativity,  confidence and higher success rates. Educational material is also provided as part of this course (the pack is illustrated below).

Stage Two

Continued self-led study: case studies, completion of the science review: some video of you using the Havening Techniques®. Support for your study: The education pack, books, online material, a Skype session (one hour) with Carol, engaging in our FB forum and any other mentoring you may wish to take up (other HT courses, coaching sessions with HT certified trainers). After your work has been review and evaluated as successful you can go on to Stage Three and gain Practitioner Certification.

Your trainer and her training style

I love sharing and disseminating this important information. To me it’s a ‘new of thinking’ and gaining an understanding of the scientific theories at the foundation of the Havening Techniques has radically altered how I am living my life, my perceptions of other people and how I interact with other people and animals. This new knowledge had added to my understanding of hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, coaching, training, teaching, confidence, calmness, creativity, communication, flexibility and happiness. I believe it has made me much more effective and I think this is evidenced in the considerable increase in referrals since I have been using Havening.

Carol Robertson PhD is one of the first Havening Trainers and practitioners in the world. She is also an NLP Trainer and master practitioner trained by the co-creator of NLP, Richard Bandler. She has trained with Dr Ronald Ruden, Dr Steven Ruden, Paul McKenna, John and Kathleen La Valle, Michael Neil, Eric Robbie, Gabriel Guerrero, James R Shaw, Amelia Kincade and Kevin Laye.

She studied at University College London and has a doctorate in philosophy. 

From top left clockwise, using animal assisted Havening Techniques, Carol created Equine-assisted Havening, Carol with Dr Ronald Ruden, Dr Steven Ruden and Paul McKenna PhD, explaining depotentiation with a small group.

Havening Training in London, spring 2015

Join us, 

a small group, in this special place, for a weekend of focused and experiential learning. Discover for yourself both the changes that are experienced, the scientific theories of how these innovative processes work and how to best use The Havening Techniques® to help either yourself or others. Dr. Ronald Ruden who created Havening describes the effect of using these techniques as ‘a new way of healing’ and as providing ‘ a better way of living through neuroscience’. People who have experienced the techniques say that they are effective and easy and pleasant to use. A study at King’s College London showed that after just one session of Havening nearly all of the participants were able to concentrate better, let go of disturbing thoughts and eliminate worry, and were able to boost their self-esteem. The results also showed that most of the participants were still benefitting from those changes two months after the single session of Havening.


Ruden and his twin brother Steven have a deep interest and knowledge in neuroscience and from this viewpoint they set out to research Energy Psychology (EP) some decades ago. The root of EP is traditional Chinese medical procedures which employ touching acupoints on the meridian channels to heal both physical and emotional problems. EP claims to resolve a wide variety of conditions including phobias, somatisation responses, post-traumatic stress, chronic pain, as well as a whole host of emotional states such as pathological fear, guilt, anger, jealousy and grief. The Rudens’ research enabled them to propose a new system grounded in neuroscience and clinical observation. They called this system Havening, meaning to put one in a safe place. Havening produces it’s effect by synaptic (receptor) depotentiation (removal). This disrupts the pathway laid down during the encoding of a traumatic event (illustration below). Havening can also be described with a more technical term which defines the neurobiological mechanism, Amygdala Depotentiation Technique (ADT). Literally receptors on part of the brain called the amygdala are removed (illustration below).

‘Havening has proved to be an effective and flexible technique in my work. It is easy to apply and often produces results quickly in a wide spectrum of emotional, psychological and physical issues, particularly where there has been psychological trauma. Havening has the advantage that patients can quickly learn to apply it themselves and be pro-active in their treatment’ 

~ Dr.Mark Chambers. GP, Long Melford (UK)


‘I have used Havening Techniques and I am convinced of the efficacy speed and simplicity in which havening achieves results that some would think unbelievable. I consider this a remarkable tool for healthcare professionals and would be happy to recommend this technique. In my experience, it has quicker results than CBT and the use of this technique would save the NHS a fortune

Dr. Michael Carmi, MB Ch B , FRCGP  


‘I am phoning because I have never seen such an extraordinary change in a child and I am wondering how did you do this. He is now at the top of his class again and is chatting to the other children at break time’

Headmistress enquiring about a child who had become very withdrawn


People who have experienced the results of Havening have stated


‘I am so happy and feel so normal again’

person suffering fear after car accident


Hi Carol,

As requested here is a few bits and pieces about my 'old' cat phobia :)

I had been suffering from a fear of cats for around 28 years, for as long as I can remember I have always been anxious around cats, didnt particualrly like then and tried to avoid them when I could. Throughout the years the fear grew deeper and deeper in that I was constantly wondering if I was going to see a cat if I went out, what would it do to me and how could I avoid it.


At its worst my fear stopped me from opening my windows in the house in case a cat jumped in, I wouldnt go into my garden if a cat was there, I would either run back into the house if a cat came into the garden when I was out or freeze on the spot and on a few occasions I have actually been brought to tears when a cat came into the same room as me. I constantly thought the cat was going to attack me it was terrible, I lived my life scanning for cats where ever I went and it was getting to the point where I would check if cats were going to be there before I would go anywhere. Although I knew the fear was silly and the cat wouldnt hurt me I couldnt stop the reactions I had.  It was when I almost decided not to go on holiday as there would be ferral cats that I decided enough was enough and booked a session with you Carol.


The session was great around 3 hours of talking and mental exercises which are quite easy but difficult to describe.  Thinking about the different situations I had been in how they made me feel then turning these situations around in my head.  I felt the session was really relaxing with the dogs being there as support too :)


Carol at the end of the session asked me if I wanted to be introduced to her cat.  Initially the immediate thought im my head was really !!!! but I agreed as I wanted to and Carol slowly but surely brought the cat into the room and in no time at all I was petting her cat and the cat was roaming frely around the room. I serious would never have thought that by the end of the session  I would have been in that place and able to do what I did.  I also then started to wonder if this would last and get better although I despearately wanted it to. I went home and my family could not beleive the pictures from the session and were too wondering if it would work in our own environment and it was just a few days later that I went to my next door neighbours house and was able to sit onher sofa and clap her cat who previously stopped me from going in and out my house.


Since then I have been in a few houses with cats or had cats in my garden and I can honestly say I have had no reaction to them at all and would and have quite easily petted them if they came up to me.


All my friends and family are completely in awe of the difference that the session has made tome and said if they hadnt seen the difference with their own eyes they would never have believed that it worked.

Thank you Carol for giving me my freedom back :)



Karen Fairley Macdonald


This training is ideal for people who aim to help other people, personal development specialists, and mental-health fields, such as coaches, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, NLP Practitioners, counsellors, CBT therapists, psychologists, medical practitioners, complementary practitioners, TFT, EFT Practitioners, teachers, first responders, Equine-Assisted Therapists, and more. Do just ask me if you are wondering how you can use The Havening Techniques. It may be that this course is the first step to you becoming a certified Havening Techniques Practitioner, or it may be the stage before becoming an Equine-Assisted Havening Practitioner or an opportunity to explore this new modality for self-development. As well as learning about the science behind Havening  will also be building key skills such as,


• accessing the history and finding the ‘seeds’

• sensory acuity

• observation and calibration

• internal processing

• relating and building trust

• listening to voice and language usage

• understanding high-speed change

• how to explain havening simply

• creative and confident Havening

• how Havening relates to other modalities

  (such as NLP, TFT and hypnosis)

You will also get the opportunity to experience being Havened and perform


Event Havening

Transpirational Havening

Outcome Havening and Future Havening

Role Havening




Hopeful Havening

Ifformational Havening

Affirmational Havening



Imagine the difference when you


  • have learned about the scientific basis

  • have discovered how simple they are to use

  • experience how they can generate fast and effective change

  • can share the methods with your clients to empower them to help themselves

  • discover how beautifully Havening enhances what you already do well

  • have experienced how a memory that causes a stress response when triggered can be altered so that even when the memory is triggered the response is a calm on experience how this electro-chemical change alters the landscape of the brain and how

       this changes behaviour for the good

  • see, hear and grasp how these methods work

  • have gained a solid understanding about the neurological process of encoding in the amygdala, how people's behaviours are shaped by the electro-chemical response to triggers, how the havening processes cause depotentiation (delinking) to take place and how these neurological changes alter the electro-chemical responses to triggers and the landscape of the mind and how the person is then enabled to shape their behaviour in a way that is helpful to them

  • learn why delinking the ‘seed’ that is at the base of the problem is key 

  • hear and experience how to find that key 'seed'

  • hear about how Havening has been used with Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Abandonment Issues, Fears, Phobias, Distressing Memories, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anger, Grief, Guilt, Cravings, Compulsions, Emotional Eating, Depression, Stress, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Confidence Issues, Chronic Pain and more.

  • can use all The Havening Techniques confidently and creatively

  • have gained your Diploma of Certification and are practicing as a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner and are represented on the originators website 

Testimonials from other coaches about my work


"A huge thank you for your leadership and contributions this past week. I found Havening to be an extremely powerful new tool.  I love the science meets psychology angle side to this transformational approach. ....I look forward to our call and thank you again for your passion, creativity and commitment to a superb workshop! "


Steve Bolton


Founder & Chairman


Platinum Property Partners 



Following Carol's truly excellent course last weekend my ability to utilise Havening with clients seems to have mysteriously improved...

This morning I did a version of what I guess you might call outcome havening with a client. He had been traumatised by his wife leaving him several decades ago and still suffered with recurring sad/angry/regretful/self-critical thoughts about it all on a daily basis.

So we did EH on the moment he was 'hit' by his wife leaving him. That helped. We did TH on the word that came up for him 'selfish'. That helped.

Then he got a bit stuck, the SUD wasn't reducing. Normally at this point I would have switched to some other modality, NLP, hypnosis etc. But I decided to stay with havening.

So we revisited the EH but differently. This time we both strapped on ghostbusters outfits and revisited the moment of the 'trauma' together. Whist he havened away I got him to enter into the scene as his current (older, wiser) self and go up to the younger 'him', send a beam of love from his heart to his 'younger' heart, give himself a big hug and got him to reassure his younger self, if this makes sense... Forgiveness, reassurance, acceptance, all came up to TH.

SUD now 0, tears streaming down his face, he is softer, like a great weight had been lifted...

Oh and we also sorted his fear of flying, fear of driving at night, anger at other people's stupidity, resentfulness and a few other things, all in little 20 minute sessions with tea breaks...

Many of these things were linked, as you might imagine...

I like to think I would have got these results using the stuff I already know and I think I would have. Havening was faster though I think, more elegant.

I am not sure I would have persisted with the havening modality if I hadn't attended Carol's course last week. I am glad I did. I have seen many trainers through the years some of whom are brilliant, Richard Bandler for example. I can see some of the Bandler style (and training) with Carol when she trains, though she is very much her own person. She was present, AWAKE, her sensory acuity is some of the best I have seen, and she is creative and totally determined to give the delegates her very best.

Her very best is very good...


Steven Tromans


No 1. Harley St



'Hogwarts for Haveners'

Syd Niven


‘Carol is one of the most amazing healers I know and is at the cutting edge of healing technology. Where she works at Eskhill Cottage is an amazing energy vortex where time stands still and healing takes place effortlessly. Healing just happens around Carol, as she has the insight of a mystic, the wisdom of a sage and the ability of the most sensitive animal to notice what needs to be back in balance. I highly recommend her to any one who feels they need to be healed, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.’ 

Gina Pickersgill, Founder and Editor of The Healing Pool Magazine – NLP and Coaching Editions.


‘I learnt more in two days with Carol than I did in seven years of university study. She makes complex things so simple and easy to get’

Jenny Brown


'Throughout my journey of self discovery I have attracted lots of amazing insightful transformational tools into my life but there was something missing that prevented me putting myself out there ‘professionally' as a therapist. That is, the fact that ‘touch' is  forbidden or perceived as inappropriate when it is  something that  I had naturally and successfully done to my four children from the moment I first had the privilege to hold them and indeed even when they were in the womb … stroke them lovingly to reassure them that they are  loved and that  the world is a safe place. My creative side has  been scanning the neuroscience world for years for  information to put in a film script I am writing  to transform the perception of mental heath….so imagine my delight when I came across ‘Havening' and Carol’s Training. It was the biggest piece of missing jigsaw of an image of a bridge to a world  that says “welcome home to who you really are and always have been, but maybe you forgot”. Thank you Carol  for displaying the natural beauty of it in such a congruent way.  You were my angel to the  gateway to haven.

In love and light'


Tracy Morley


HI Carol,

I'm struggling to put into words how fabulous I felt the weekend was. 

You are most definitely one of a kind: one of the most down to earth,

fun, caring people I've ever met and so genuine with it. 

It was a surreal weekend and I felt a dreadful sadness yesterday when

I knew it was coming to an end. The location was perfect also - gosh girl

did you manage to get it all 'spot on' or what??

I'm so glad and I know I've made the right decision to do stages 2 and 3 and

over the moon that I'll be continuing on my Havening journey training with you. I feel I couldn't be in better hands: with your knowledge on Havening and being so approachable you're definitely the right trainer for me. ... Thanks again for a weekend that I will never forget. It is way up there with one of the best weekends I've ever spent.

Trudy Keating


I attended Carol Robertson's havening practitioners course on the 4th & 5th of October and was so impressed and inspired with not only the content of the course but with the way Carol delivered it. Carol is a brilliantly natural teacher who's conversational style makes learning straightforward, fascinating and fun. I am new to the psychosensory academy and had been a little wary of being out of my depth with this course however the relaxed friendly environment Carol has created combined with her unique teaching style quickly dispersed all my doubts!  The course was very thorough and definitely good value for money.  I would recommend this course wholeheartedly to anyone looking to learn and be confident in the using havening techniques. Kate Ritchie


Thank you for sharing your beautiful home at the weekend. It was a joy experiencing training with you in such a wonderful place and with such lovely like-minded people. 

I loved your training style, open, fresh and truly inspiring.



Firstly please let me say a big thank you for introducing me to the Havening technique this weekend. I got a massive amount from the training and from the way you delivered the course. I now know what was missing from my hypnotherapy training. It also had a profound effect on me and I am still completely amazed how the process made my hip pain disappear - that I had been plagued with  for four years from the car accident. I am so excited  about exploring it further by completing stage II.


‘Ok so 6 days since my session with Dr Carol Robertson and we ventured off to Di Lampard lesson was a bit nervous as watched demo night before. Yeh there is a reason she team GB new performance manager she doesn't miss a trick. So Nico and myself heading in excited nervous that felt weird (normally falling apart) but keen to get in and kick on feeling good. Warmed up jumped a few fences and then onto some courses. Few wee errors but I Loved every second of it I wanted to do more. Never thought I would want to stay in the sj ring, inspired training and positive coaching learned so much. Carol you are my saving grace thank you so much’ — at Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre’

Karon Karson


Thanks again for introducing me to this- I don't think a technology has made me so excited about its potential!



(Barum did his science review faster than anyone before him! And passed it with flying colours.)


The following clip is from a newspapaer article written by Paul McKenna PhD.


If you have any questions about the course do just phone or email me.


I grew up in Scotland and became interested in self development in my early teens. I continue to use these ideas and tools every day and I used them to become an author, inventor, artist, collaborative artist, business woman, coach, trainer and consultant. Always aiming for the best possible outcome, my books are published by Thames & Hudson, are still in print and are now considered to be standard works, my eighteen inventions are made by the prestigious Swiss company Lascaux and are sold worldwide, my own art works have been awarded 'Sovereign Award for the best painters in Europe' (judge Sir Peter Blake) and have been collected by the Queen, artworks made by me in collaboration with high-profile artists have been collected by Tate, the Government Art Collection and The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.


I have also used these concepts, methods and tools to recover from the knocks and bumps of life and to enjoy life fully and richly. I love all the senses, out internal world and external world and like to cook, create gardens, be with family and friends, travel and learn. I am also a riding coach, with an interest in the benefits of communication and positive reinforcement. I have trained in classical, BHS, natural horsemanship and clicker and have developed a new psychosensory process called Animal and Equine-Assisted Havening. I also help people communicate more effectively with animals.

From top clockwise, at the podium and lecturing at the The Scottish National Gallery (the projected images are Carol's internationally published books), teaching in Newcastle, 10 Downing street ( art purchased for the Govenment Collection),  Collagraph of swans made by Robertson, 'The Old Tiger' by Robertson, winner of the European Award for Painting (judge Peter Blake), Co-publishing with Kate Downie at Graal, Teaching  in Switzerland at Lascaux (manufacturer of my products).

What people have written about Havening

Paul McKenna, international best selling author and ‘one of the world’s most important self-help gurus’ (The Times of London’) Paul McKenna writes,


‘Havening, also known as Amygdala Depotentiation Therapy (ADT) is going to change the face of therapy across the world. What used to take months to cure can now be done in minutes in most cases: PTSD, trauma, pain, depression and many more disorders. The initial study recently completed by King’s College London shows the remarkable effectiveness of this extraordinary set of processes. This is not to be confused with other psycho-sensory techniques, TFT, EMDR, etc. Whilst they are very good, Havening is light years ahead. If you want to be an excellent therapist, you can't afford not to learn this breakthrough approach.’


~ Paul McKenna, Ph.D

Dr. Ronald A Ruden, the creator of Havening describes the processes as a  'New way of Healing’ and he explains that 


'When an event or experience is perceived as traumatic or very stressful it becomes immutably encoded, often with life-altering consequences. However, recent research from the field of neuroscience has shown us how it's possible to modify this encoding. The Havening Techniques are methods which are designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and permanently remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body’


~ Dr. Ronald A Ruden


From top clockwise, dressage with Vlacq Tinta, being trusted by Strathleven Macduff, trusting myself and Moses, Mirroring with Zohar,  out hacking bitless, helping people become confident anywhere and working with top riders like Karon Karson (below) be even better at what they do brilliantly

The following Havening testimonials are abbreviated to save room here. What I have noticed is that most people enjoy Havening, can continue to work by themselves and effect change and since doing Havening my referral rate has increased.


‘Thank you, my problem is 100% gone’

vaginismus sufferer


Thank you for giving me my life back.’

long term phobia sufferer


‘Saw the guy and my anger, rage and loss of control just isn't there now, we even had a pint together and it was ok’

person in court for violence asked to see me by judge


‘Everyone should have access to Havening, it is life changing’

person who had suffered anxiety for decades


‘They haven’t taken any drugs since they started Havening’

referred client taking about how amazed he was at his friends change


‘My daughter wanted to come and have a session because she can't believe the change in me! Thank you’

Mum suffering from anxiety


To me ‘WOW, She is a different child’, - to daughter ‘let’s photograph you doing that for your dad, he will be amazed!’

Havening used for sporting therapy


'I began as you suggested and experimented here there and everywhere! I went on holiday to Spain, loved it and I know I can now go anywhere after all these years of being stuck.  I wish I had seen you years ago'

IBS sufferer


Went out with my friends taking drugs and it just seemed stupid to me, felt fine doing my own thing. Found a house with my girlfriend and we aim to buy it, everything seems differnt now and things seem possible.

Lack of confidence in self control


Havening stops me pulling my hair out when I am stressed. I find it calms me down and helps me sleep.

Teenager who was pulling hair


The Havening Techniques® Training

Stage One

Two-day experiential workshop

Online pre-course

Online post-course material



If you have done this course with myself or any of our approved Trainers, you may attend and use the Online Course



Stage Two

Online Training material,

Skype support session, evaluation and feedback (re. your science review, case studies and  videos)



Stage Three

Trainer: M Murphy

Online Ethics Course



Joining the Course


Email me to book a place. You will be sent a password so that you can Login and begin learning right away. The aim of providing you with this media is to support you before the two-day workshop and after it during stage two and stage three. There are also books to read and a very active forum on Facebook 


and on the Rudens' website


  • Pre-Stage One information, audio and videos explaining the science and concepts

  • Stage One: Two-day workshop

       The superb training team all use Havening in their practice and their own lives.

       They are all talented at creating a safespace in which you can be curious, learn and gain confidence.

       The course will be participant led, practical and informal and friendly.

       There will be demonstrations, practice times, unpacking and question and answer times, explanations about            the science and these new ways of thinking.

      The venue is informal and a green and ethical space.


  • Stage One: Post two-day course, reading list, PDFs, videos

  • Stage Two: The documents provided online and supporting videos

  • Stage Two: One hour Skype with me after you have done ten case studies

  • Stage Two: Reviewing your case studies, science answers and videos

  • Stage Three: Ethics online course

Pre-course information

Pre-course information

Videos about the science

Videos about the science

Two-day Course

Two-day Course

Haven in the heart of London

Haven in the heart of London

Training room

Training room

de-mystifying change

de-mystifying change

Carol Robertson PhD

Carol Robertson PhD

James Mallinson

James Mallinson

Gina Pickersgill

Gina Pickersgill

Steve Tromans

Steve Tromans

Louise Baker

Louise Baker

Havening practice

Havening practice

Participant-led teaching

Participant-led teaching

Stage Two Docs

Stage Two Docs

Self havening

Self havening

Changing that

Changing that



Calcineurin's role in depotentiation

Calcineurin's role in depotentiation

New ways of thinking

New ways of thinking

Havening in action

Havening in action

Havening Touch produces an electrical signal.jpg

Havening Touch produces an electrical signal.jpg

Neural Landscape

Neural Landscape

Time to unpack

Time to unpack

With an experienced team of Haveners

Certified Trainer: Carol Robertson PhD 




Dates: 23rd and 24th of April, 2016 


Join us on this two-day experiential course or decide now (or later) to do the weekend course and the other training stages of the process to become a certified practitioner of the Havening Techniques. 


Special Early Bird Offer 2015

All three stages for £825.

To take advantage of this offer, email me and pay via bank transfer before July 31st


A haven in the heart of London

Camley Street Natural Park, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW

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