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'non-judgemental and open'

'very different from other experiences'

'reviving and calming'

'sensible and that everything made complete sense'

'energising and refreshing'

'a great way to sort things out'

'a massive relief'

'the real deal'

'a totally different way to think'

'much better than being stuck in the problems'

'easier and faster than they thought was possible'




'very helpful'

'enjoyed working content free*'

'life changing'

'good and that it really does work!'

'very safe feeling and information safe with me'


'very thorough and good value'

'amazing and they will recommend me to friends'

 Testimonials & Confidentiality

For me these two go together. One of the main things people say to me is that they feel safe with me, they often tell me that what they have told me they have never even spoken aloud never mind shared with another.


content free* this is a way of working where you think privately about the subjects we  are exploring. In this way your information remains private to you.

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