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Havening Techniques® (ADT) 

This psychosensory therapy was developed by Dr Ronald Ruden and Dr Steven Ruden. The Havening Techniques™ (or Amygdala Depotentiation Techniques) is a system comprised of protocols and methods that uses touch as a therapeutic tool (Havening Touch®). There are three distinct applications,


  • for emotional disturbances and encoded psychological trauma

  • for wellness, stress management, and peak performance

  • as a self-help tool

Problems that the Havening Techniques™ can address

The Havening Technique has been shown to help with both the physical and psychological consequences of traumatic encoding and stressful life events. Examples include:


  • Phobias

  • Chronic pain

  • Anger

  • Grief

  • Cravings

  • PTSD

  • Panic Attacks

  • Emotional eating

  • Fear of Abandonment

  • Distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc.)

  • Distress caused by natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.)

  • Distress caused by man-made events (war, fire, assault, home intrusion, etc.) 

  • Difficulties learning (reading, new subjects, nervous, inability to focus)


  • And many other problems (please message me if you have a question). My personal view is that everyone can benefit from knowing about this process and self applying or having a session with a Havening specialist. 


  • have a scientific basis

  • Dr Ruden describes them as  ‘a new way of healing’

  • use sensory input to alter thought, mood and behavior

  • ​are easy, quick and pleasant to do​

  • Havening Touch® can be applied by oneself

  • Havening Touch® can be applied by a facilitator​

  • the processes create permanent change

  • provide extraordinary results as the person is freed from dehabilitating triggers

  • the processes change the brain permanently (as ampa receptors in the brain are depotentiated and reabsorbed)

  • can stop the negative effects on syche and body (related to encoded information about traumatic experiences) 

  • enable the person's brain to think that a safe haven has been reached 

  • allow a new perspective of the event to be created

  • start the process of healthy ongoing change as the landscape of the brain alters​

The cognitive, emotional, autonomic and somatosensory responses that are often triggered due to past traumatic events can be persistent and can really shut down a person’s capacity to live a happy and fully functional life.


People often feel they’re carrying a huge weight around with them day by day or that they’ve put their life on hold due to lack of coping. They may have anxiety or panic attacks, they make have flashbacks, phobias, physical complaints or PTSD.

Havening Techniques® can remove the debilitating effects of such amygdala-based problems. Sometimes this can be rapid, perhaps requiring just one or two sessions, for example if there is a single traumatic event that has happened (such as a car crash, finding a relative dead, being caught up in a natural disaster or terrorist attack). Sometimes there is more complexity to unpick and deal with (such as years of abuse or repeated exposure to incidents in war zones) so it may take longer to get a complete result.


The essence of how Havening works is that stimulation of skin receptors in specific areas of the body (face, shoulders and upper arms and palms of hands in particular) increases neurochemicals in the brain such as serotonin and GABA resulting in an increase in slow, low frequency brain waves. These Delta waves can help depotentiate activated AMPA receptors in post-synaptic neurons in the amygdala through dephosphorylation of those receptors due to the action of the enzyme calcineurin. Essentially the apparatus for triggering fight, flight, freeze and rage responses, is delinked from the stored memory of the traumatic event. This means that although the memory trace remains, the person does not have the unhelpful responses any more when they think of that event or if they encounter previous triggers.


There are also wider applications of Havening Techniques®. For example, the methods can be used to help patients or clients to manage their own mental and emotional state if they find something stressful or anxiety-provoking. Havening can also be used for helping increase personal resilience, confidence and self-esteem.


As an approved and certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner and Trainer. I would welcome an opportunity to come and discuss, explain and demonstrate Havening Techniques® to any group of professionals in your organisation that may be curious about how it may be able to play a role in helping patients or clients.


 'Havening has proved to be an effective and flexible technique in my work. It is easy to apply and often produces results quickly in a wide spectrum of emotional, psychological and physical issues, particularly where there has been psychological trauma. Havening has the advantage that patients can quickly learn to apply it themselves and be pro-active in their treatment'

Dr.Mark Chambers. GP, Long Melford (UK)


'I have used Havening Techniques and I am convinced of the efficacy speed and simplicity in which havening achieves results that some would think unbelievable. I consider this a remarkable tool for healthcare professionals and would be happy to recommend this technique. In my experience, it has quicker results than CBT and the use of this technique would save the NHS a fortune'
Dr. Michael Carmi, MB Ch B , FRCGP  

Havening Techniques™ (ADT) 


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