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 Though Field Therapy (TFT) is an extraordinary, drug-free and non-invasive system which is quick to do, can be self applied and works very fast. Thirty years ago it was discovered and developed by the clinical psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan who died in 2013. He is described by his foundation as '...a pioneer, an intellectual, and, above all, a humanitarian.  He was passionate, not just about helping people, but challenging our beliefs about accepted psychological principles and healing in general...' Dr Pasahow who made a study using TFT to treat chronic pain states that it is 'highly effective' and explains 'It works with nature’s healing system combining the acupressure meridian system and modern psychology.' 


You can learn how to use TFT for yourself, your family and animals too.  


















Please see Callahan's site for more information. From the site, regarding research, 'Researchers at Oxford University in the United Kingdom have found that the anxiety caused by the anticipation or experience of pain makes the perceived level of pain much worse.  TFT effectively reduces or eliminates anticipatory anxiety in addition to reducing the pain. 

Length of relief from pain, per occurrence, is also important to the sufferer.  In a study, TFT provided longer relief than that experienced from pain medications.


















Statistically significant results were obtained with all problems and symptoms treated with TFT in a study at Kaiser Behavioral Health Services. These problems included anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, anger, anxiety due to medical condition, bereavement, and chronic pain along with others.


'When I observe a number of suffering patients who did not respond to our usual treatment modalities, suddenly get better after TFT treatments are given, I don't need a double-blind controlled study to tell me the value of Callahan Techniques® TFT.   

James McCoy, MD, Chief, Pain Clinic, Chief, Hematology Service, Assistant Chief, Neuroscience Department


Callahan stated


'A good example of how my theory can explain otherwise puzzling robust facts common in the field of psychotherapy is my explanation of why it is, (i.e., what purpose is served), by the fact that trauma victims often have repetitive nightmares and become obsessed with the horrible event; i.e., until TFT removes this problem in minutes (see chapter 16 in Stop the Nightmares of Trauma).'

~ Dr Roger Callahan,  creator of Thought Field Therapy (TFT)







Book a session to experience and learn Thought Field Therapy


Thought Field Therapy (TFT) & Meridian Energy Tapping 

"Traditional psychotherapy is like swinging at a pitch with your eyes closed. TFT causal diagnosis is like shooting the ball out of the stadium with a cannon. It's that fast and powerful."


~ John D. Gray, PsyD, Idaho Falls, ID

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