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Carol Robertson PhD

Fritz Perls

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Ba Qua

Jacques Callot

Tai Chi

H Seghers


B dos Santos



RD Laing


Winifred Rushforth

St Ives Group

W Barns-Graham

Victoria Crowe

J R Shaw

Stanley Jones

Henry Moore

Robert Adam




Alfred Korzybski

Mary Newcomb

Peter Scott

L S Lowry


R Mayo



Richard Maxwell

Monty Roberts

Pat Parelli

I Larson

JM Charcot

James Braid

Carol Robertson PhD

Hippolyte Bernheim

Positive Reinforcement

Underlined text are linked to external websites.

White text and lines show direct engagement with the person or movement.

Pink text denotes people that have engaged directly with the names in white.

Blue text shows the classical connection.



The people we connect and who touch us give us valuable knowledge and insights which we hand on to others. Over the years I have collected so many good ideas and models and I love to share these. I started to become interested in the lines of connection and how the ideas connected across many disciplines so I made this diagram. The underlined names are linked to videos and information about these people. When you connect with me you are linking with this network.

When you connect with me you are linking with this network.

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