Thank you for visting my website, and do contact me, Carol Robertson PhD if you would like to know more. I aim to share the knowledge and skills I have with you, in a down-to-earth, informal and sensible way, so that you reach your goals and are self-sufficient with new skills which you can apply in the future. I am interested in thinking outside the box, accelerated learning, finding the best solutions possible and making complex things simple. I myself continue learning and growing, and think it's important to love living life.
Hi, and welcome, I'm Carol
Finding out about who you are planning to be learning from and what particular talents they have is important and before I explain about me I would like to say that, first and foremost, your session is for and about you; That could be you personally , or you and your partner, your partnership, family, group or business. I see myself as a facilitator focusing on your needs. In your session you will have my mind, skill set, creativity, knowledge, experience and my full attention focused on helping you get to exactly where you want to be. If you are learning on a course I will be aiming to help you gain certification or achieve your goals. If you are seeing me for a private one-to-one session, then whatever you need help with, from the most simple to complex or unusual issues I will do my utmost to help you become free and to achieve your goals as quickly and as pleasantly as possible. Total confidence is guaranteed and you may choose to either share your thoughts, or work 'content free' (keep your private thoughts internal - see video for example of content-free work).
Communication, Creativity, Change and Confidence Specialist
When I, myself seek some help, or go to learn new ways of healing or thinking, I choose who I work with very carefully. I imagine that you are in this process of choosing at this moment. My search for the best has taken me to America and other countries to learn. My choices have included Dr Ronald Ruden, who created the pyschosensory therapy Havening, the most successful personal development specialists such as Paul McKenna PhD, and Michael Neil, the creative genius Dr Richard Bandler who created Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning and many other geniuses and inspirational people. I have made a diagram of this knowledge network which demostrates the links and connections and the flow of ideas can be seen. In working with me, you directly benefit as I share the extensive knowledge I have gathered from them with you.
Sensory, creativity and communication specialist